More Exploring of Umpqua Community College (UCC) Property

Umpqua Community College, OR–May 6, 2017. 1220-1405. After meeting with a student on this rather windy day, I decided to try to get a photo to represent the Umqpua Community College Biodiveristy Project for iNat. In doing so, I explored my way up to the NE corner of the property. On the way I was able to photograph a Painted Lady (butterfly), apparently a common species.

Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)

Up near the NE property corner, I noticed a bee hive in hole in a very large Oregon White Oak. While up in that oak savannah area, I was able to photograph a couple butterflies. I am very new to IDing butterflies, so this has been fun and a challenge. Any tips as I begin this journey are appreciated.

Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana) with Honey Bee hive in it.
Silvery Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus)

I uncovered one of the large dark millipedes, and based on input from @pileated (iNaturalist user) I attempted to get photographs of the face of this one, which showed a vertical line, apparently a character distinguishing an order of millipedes. I also decided to go ahead and photograph some of the little itty bitty flowers that I had been ignoring recently. They are of course difficult to photograph with a cell phone, but I make due.

True Babystars (Leptosiphon bicolor)

Many more observations and photographs for this day can be found here.

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