A Few Places Up Little River
Little River, OR. April 16, 2017. Today I did some exploring to find some locations to take my Wildlife Sampling Methods class for some hands-on experience. Pacific Trillium (Trillium ovatum)…
Little River, OR. April 16, 2017. Today I did some exploring to find some locations to take my Wildlife Sampling Methods class for some hands-on experience. Pacific Trillium (Trillium ovatum)…
Dixonville, OR--April 14, 2017. This day I attempted to find my way up to Brushy Butte, SW of Dixonville, based on a tip from a retired BLM biologist. Unfortunately, all…
Winchester, OR--April 14, 2019. 1445-1700. After my exploration attempts were cut short this morning, I came back to UCC to check cover boards and explore a little bit. The coverboards…
This afternoon I decided to go check the 36 metal and wood cover boards I placed on the Umpqua Community College (UCC) property on 21 March 2017. It has been…
Winchester, OR--March 21, 2019. After scouting the area yesterday, I brought all my materials and a couple helpers--my sons Daniel and Stephen--to put out the cover boards. I had also…
Winchester, OR--March 20, 2017. In order to begin some regular, "passive" inventory of herpetiles (primarily) on the Umpqua Community College (UCC) property, I decided to put out some cover boards…
Melrose, OR--March 11, 2017. 1445-1610, I was out starting to clean up the garden, but ... I found some things. We had put down some cardboard several places last year…
Ensatina (Ensatina eschscholtzii) Winchester, OR--March 1, 2017. 1200-1415, I explored the patch of conifers immediately NE of the Umpqua Community College (UCC) Gym/Pool/Tennis area. This area is fairly steep, with…
The second Reedsport Christmas Bird Count (CBC) was a great success! Although we had fewer participants and fewer bird numbers this year (a common report from CBCs this year), all…
We were fortunate to have a beautiful, though somewhat cold, day for the 43rd consecutive Roseburg-Sutherlin Christmas Bird Count (CBC). It started out just under freezing in most places and…