Sap on Tap, Tap, Tap
Featured Photo: A female Rufous Hummingbird approaches sap wells created by a Red-breasted Sapsucker in a willow tree trunk near a high meadow in the Umpqua Basin Cascades, western Oregon,…
Featured Photo: A female Rufous Hummingbird approaches sap wells created by a Red-breasted Sapsucker in a willow tree trunk near a high meadow in the Umpqua Basin Cascades, western Oregon,…
Featured Photo: In the protected southwest corner of the lake, low light and the camera settings forced a high ISO and gave this image a serene, painted look. Some American…
Featured Photo: Two basic-plumaged adult male Ruddy Ducks take flight from somewhat choppy afternoon waters on Diamond Lake. Diamond lake is a beautiful 3,000-acre lake at about 5,000 ft elevation…
Featured Photo: A tandem pair of Variegated Meadowhawks (Sympetrum corruptum) flying and ovipositing in shallow waters at Ford's Pond, February 13, 2022.In the Pacific Northwest, most dragonflies and damselflies fly…
Featured Photo: Adult Peregrine Falcon swoops near nesting cliffs at "The Honeycombs," a multi-unit rock-climbing location a few miles east of Idleyld Park, Oregon. The rock formation is named after…
Featured Photo: A female Northern Harrier hunts over the new Bar Run Golf Course at Umpqua Sand & Gravel. Photo by Matt HunterBoth local and out-of-town birders put in an…
Featured Photo: Connie Page and Rick Kreofsky in some thick early morning fog up Aerie Lane. Photo by Tess Kreofsky.The spirits of Douglas County birders were undaunted by the trials…
In the summer of 2020 I constructed a 120-ft long stream with a small terminal pond for general enjoyment but primarily for attracting wildlife of all kinds, especially dragonflies. Design…
From a dream it came, and I began to work.... Exactly how the thought began, I don't recall. But once I imagined the possibility of attracting dragonflies and damselflies to…
Melrose, OR. During late fall or early winter, 2019, this dead Douglas-fir broke off about 8 ft above the ground and splintered into several more pieces when it hit the…