Ford’s Pond, OR–June 18, 2017. 0635-0915. I spent the morning at Ford’s Pond. It was in the 50s F when I arrived and in the 70s F when I left. My primary goals were (1) to begin getting some iNat observations for Ford’s Pond, and (2) to see what odonates (dragonflies and damselflies) I could find. It was a fun morning. I spent the entire time in the SE portion of the area, about half in the riparian woods and about half poking around in the weeds and near the pond edge. I found and photographed many introduced plant species as well as a few native plants, a handful of odonates, some bullheads (mini-catfish), a spider, a butterfly, a ladybird beetle, an introduced slug, an aquatic snail, some lichens, some beaver chew, and a variety of other things. I netted one introduced crayfish, but it got away before I obtained photos. eBird checklist here.